Mar 31, 2008

Grumpy Tales

Cosmic Conspiracy - 1
The day I dare to wear white, cats and dogs must tumble down from the heavens. I must invariably select footwear that are distant cousins of the Hawaii Chappal. And I should magnanimously grant a rest day for the umbrella. Lest the delicate balance of the Universe and all that it holds be disturbed.

Mar 17, 2008


Drops of time
Fossils in memory
Smiles and tears ...
Grains of sand
Slip through her fingers

Waves recede ...
Of the present
Drifting horizons
A path has been ordained.

Her feet fondle the damp earth
Comfort of the known.
A solitary tendril of her locks
To the whims of a blithe breeze.

Shoots up her veins.
Of Unchartered waters.

Wide, wild and new
Winds from yonder join
A cacophonous ensemble
with Winds of the now
That would be 'back then'

she listens to
Echoes from the ocean
Inside a conch.